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Real Estate Agent, BRE# 01727260
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About Me

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When buying or selling your home, choose the Bay Area real estate agent that combines real-world experience with in-depth knowledge. ELITE agents work for one reason only: YOU! Equipped with knowledge and experience, our agents take you step-by-step through the real estate transactions.


Buying & selling smoothly and ready to provide you with all services under one roof:

·        Residential/Commercial Real Estate
·        Conventional, FHA, and Loan Modifications
·        Home Improvement
·        Home design and Staging
·        Land development
·        Real Estate Planning and Investments

I take every real estate transaction seriously. I am fair, honest, and treat every client with dignity and respect. It’s a privilege to earn your business. So, with everything I do, I am dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction.

Contact Details

Mobile: 408.202.0357

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